Wait for it...
A Capricorn is characteristically practical, steady, loyal, and dependable. They’re often shy and introverted, but make for incredibly loyal lifelong friends. Their occasional lack of sociability might sometimes leave them lonely and isolated.
No matter what our sign is, there are certain underlying trends and patterns that can be found in our lives. Astrology is the art and science of identifying, and interpreting, these cosmic trends; and, relating them to our own personal lives in a meaningful way, to help us understand what kinds of problems and opportunities we may have in the near future.
Our mission is to help make you the kind of person that can achieve truly lasting happiness, success, fulfillment, and love.
Every month, you are warmly welcomed to come and consult this web page for our free monthly horoscope reading. We keep you updated with our experts’ advanced readings to predict the month’s best- and worst- in these 4 major categories of your life: Large, Love, Career, and Health.
Large is a reading that looks at the outlook of the month, as a whole- taking into consideration a wide array of possible life events, accidents, and fortunes you may find.
Love is a reading that focuses on your love life, and will provide honest, valuable predictions.
Career is a reading that focuses on your work, including advanced information on things such as potential investments, work-related issues, hidden opportunities, and more.
Health is a reading that focuses on your personal wellbeing, mentally and physically, and helps you take steps to prepare yourself to feel as good as possible.
Always strong and magnetic Pluto in your sign, encouraged by the trine of Uranus, and by the beautiful sextile put into play by Jupiter and Neptune, flexible and creative, ideal for softening you at least a little. However, some setbacks are also expected for you, the most stinging that of Mars Cancer, which luckily the 11 throws the curtains, while Venus that accompanies him remains in the sign to throw tantrums until the 27, reached by the Sun on the 21, when opening the solstitial door, called by the ancients “door of men”, officially begins summer.
Beautiful period, free from complications, with your partner you are jelly and flab, maybe you don’t burn with passion but the feeling is sweet and sincere. Romantic atmosphere even if there are already grown up children, accomplices sharing common interests and passions: even the love for gardening and cooking can become a good glue. The secret is not to touch yourself in your weak point, thanks to yoga emotions and anger under control yes, but up to a certain point! Asylum for the stray welcomed with love in your home, the sad season of abandonment begins, against which you fight hard.
Weeks of super work, including brilliant ideas, innovative projects and challenges to be thrown at the competition to put it in the corner. Much of what you will do will go around the world online, both professionally and personally, posting photos, reflections or famous aphorisms will be the entertainment of the moment, without forgetting reading, photography and DIY, your passions most popular, you belong to the generation of the new millennium and it will be with technology that you will express all your creativity! The passion of the moment is art, so your holidays will not only be mountains and nature, castles and ancient villages will rekindle the love for history and the sense of admiration and respect for those who preceded us.
The inflammatory states will essentially concern the respiratory system, perhaps weakened by previous allergies. On the other hand, the joint pains will improve, the sun works wonders for the bones, even if as it happens in your case, your weak points are your shoulders and knees … like your teeth, to be checked periodically, the mask is not a good excuse to hide a grungy smile: the mirror wants you beautiful. Sports or casual clothing (with some concession to elegance in the evening), dedicating a few hours to physical activity will solve many ailments, it is important to take a breath and get rid of accumulated toxins. Color powder pink for you, it will make you more delicate.
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The free monthly horoscope reading gives a solid, steady ground to help prepare any zodiac prepare themself for the coming month. However, life is more complicated than any one general zodiac horoscope can perfectly predict.
For a person to be truly prepared for a perfect month- in love, business, health, and everything else- an advanced reading needs to be done for the individual person, based off of their own specific information. These master-level readings require diving deep into details such as their birth date and time, current relationship status, financial status, health, and more.
(Rest assured- your data is kept completely safe, and we are fully compliant with all ethical and legal regulations regarding your privacy).